Developing of 35mm+ 120mm films + disposable cameras
Week commencing 6th January 2025
- Reminding people who have brought a film in to us for development over the last few years, to collect them ASAP, as we will be having to dispose of many of them if not collected soon. We have sent emails or rung everyone who has outstanding work to collect.
Sending off our next load of films for developing/scanning/ on approx. the 18th of January 2025. To catch this batch, get your films in to our shop by 17th January, 3.45pm, at the latest.
For those expecting scans, the scans can be put onto a USB stick for you, or emailed.
Negatives are always returned to the shop for collecting.
You can get your films either developed only and cut into strips, or get them scanned and emailed to you, or printed, or printed and scanned.. Negatives are returned to the shop for collection.
For prints, chose Glossy or Matte finishes. White borders can be given if requested (4mm or 10mm) at no extra cost.
***See terms and conditions at bottom of page ***
Prices quoted below are for standard processing costs (EG: standard sleeving, normal camera settings etc)
Add ons:
- 0.80p for negatives sleeved in Kenro translucent ring binder pages
- £1.20 for SECOL archival ring binder negative sleeving
- £1.00 for films pushed one or two stops, or pulled one stop
Prints on glossy or matte paper (if chosen). Scans sent via email, or put onto your USB stick. 15-18mb size.
- Develop negs only £6.99
Extra films booked in at the same time £6.50 each
- Develop negs, scan, and put onto your USB stick £13.99
Extra films booked in at the same time £13.50 each
- Develop film with prints 6"x4" £14.99
Extra set of prints £7 each
Extra films booked in at the same time £14.50 each
- Develop, print 6"x4" and scan, and put onto your USB stick £17.99
Extra set of prints £7 each
Extra films booked in at same time £17.50 each
- Develop, print 7.5" X 5" £16.99
Extra sets of prints £10 each
- Develop, print to 7.5" X 5", and scanned onto your USB stick £22.99
Extra set of prints £10 each
Disposable colour camera development
Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen)
- Develop only £7.99
Extra films booked in at same time £7.50 each
- Develop + scan onto your USB stick £14.99
Extra disposable cameras booked in at same time £14.50 each
- Develop and print to 6"x4" £15.99
Extra set of prints £7 each
Extra disposable cameras booked in at same time £15.50 each
- Develop, scan + print + scan onto your USB stick £18.99
Extra set of prints £7 each
Extra disposable cameras booked in at same time £18.50 each
When scanning or printing your film, 'A G' experienced technicians professionally balance, by eye, all images individually for colour, contrast and density to ensure consistent results frame to frame, roll to roll. Their policy is to balance images so as to obtain the best from your film and deliver usable files with a balance of shadow and highlight detail – in line with our own judgement. If you would prefer flat, low contrast, scan files ready for your own balancing and editing, or no balancing at all, please mention this.
Please note: accuracy of your film exposure; film quality (including best before date), lens and camera quality / operation can have a very significant impact on the resulting scan or print quality. Whilst colour negative film does have a lot of exposure latitude, it is by far the best option to strive for the most accurate possible exposure which yields the best possible negative to work with. If you want a certain look, expose right in the first place, and then impose your style in post production.
- Film Developer: FUJIFILM Fuji Hunt Professional EnviroNeg
- Development temperature: 38°C +/- 0.2°
- Processor Type: Noritsu short leader
- Drying: clean air blower integrated into processor (no transfer of films to separate dryer)(no squeegee rack or blades).
- Scanners: Noritsu HS-1800
- Dust clean up: Yes
- Digital ICE eliminates any dust, leaving a clean scan file.To minimise dust beforehand, thereby minimising the work of ICE, films are scanned ASAP after exiting processor. Scanning environment maintained. (Note: Digital ICE is not available when scanning black and white film due to the emulsion structure, however, it can be used with colour process B&W film, such as Ilford XP2.)
The black and white processing at 'A G' is done by traditional 'dip and dunk' processing, leading to:
- Correct and accurate development times are given to each film, fine tuned for our combination of developer type and methods. This is critically important with black and white processing.
- Very high levels of processing consistency. Customers are able to expose their black and white films repeatedly, and with confidence, for optimum results – safe in the knowledge that their processing is exactly the same, order to order.
- Best possible grain structure, shadow detail and contrast are obtained from their chosen developer (Ilford ILFOTEC DD) which offers a superb all round balance of fine grain, emulsion speed and sharpness.
- The dip and dunk type processor for black and whitefilms was built new for them and installed in 2021. Dip and dunk enables the finest possible quality in processing.
Black and white 35mmm and 120mm films
Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen. Scans sent VIA email or onto a USB stick. Transfers at 15-18mb size.
- Develop negs only £7.99
Extra films booked in at same time £7.50 each
- Develop negs, scan, and put onto your USB stick £14.99
Extra films booked in at same time £14.50 each
Half frame £19.99
Panoramic £13.99
- Develop negs and print 6"x4" £14.99
Extra set of prints £10
Extra films booked in at same time £14.50 each
Half frame £23.99
Panoramic 5" prints £23.99
- Develop negs, scan, email, and print 6"x4" £19.99
Extra set of prints £10
Extra films booked in at same time £19 each
Half frame £37.99
Panormic 5" prints £29.99
- Develop and print to 7.5" X 5" £17.99
Extra sets of prints £13 each
Extra films booked in at same time £16.99 each
- Develop, and scan onto your USB stick and print 7.5" X 5" prints £23.99
Extra sets of prints £13 each
Extra films booked in at same time £22 each
Disposable black+white cameras
Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen
- Develop, scan and pit onto your USB stick £15.99
- Develop, and print to 6" X 4" £15.99
- Develop, scan and put onto your USB stick, and print to 6" X 4" £20.99
E6/slide film processing
I've been told that the cost of our E6/slide film developing service is significantly cheaper than other local places, and faster. For example, if you do your own scanning, and have the film developed only, it's only £9.99! For other slide film services and info, see this page.
We use 'A G's medium resolution scanning service, giving 15-18Mb scans emailed to you and put onto a CD. When scanning or printing your film, 'A G's experienced technicians professionally balance, by eye, all images individually for colour, contrast and density to ensure consistent results frame to frame, roll to roll.
Their policy is to balance images so as to obtain the best from your film and deliver usable files with a balance of shadow and highlight detail – in line with their own judgement. Please note: accuracy of your film exposure; film quality (including best before date), lens and camera quality / operation can have a very significant impact on the resulting scan quality. Whilst colour negative film does have a lot of exposure latitude, it is by far the best option to strive for the most accurate possible exposure which yields the best possible negative to work with. If you want a certain look, expose right in the first place, and then impose your style in post production.
- Scanners: Noritsu HS-1800
- Dust clean up: Yes.
- Digital ICE eliminates any dust, leaving a clean scan file.
- To minimise dust beforehand, thereby minimising the work of ICE, films are scanned ASAP after exiting processor.
- Scanning environment maintained. (Note: Digital ICE is not available when scanning black and white film due to the emulsion structure, however, it can be used with colour process B&W film, such as Ilford XP2.)
6" X 4" prints 90p OVER 50 80p
7.5" X 5" 1.60 " " 1.40
6" X 8"/9" 3.40 " " 3.00
10"/12" X 8" 3.90 " " 3.50
A4 4.20 " " 3.80
12" X 10" 4.90
12" X 16" 7.50
!2" X 18" + A3 9.50
16" X 20" 28.00
16" X 24" 32.00
20" X 30" 49.00
We can't emphasize enough the importance of the quality of 35mm analogue film developing. The problem with cheaper in-house processors is that it can result in inconsistency of quality, negs scratched, poor printing with haphazard results. Often people blame their camera, or poor film, when cheap processing is the culprit. Believe us, we know, having been doing this for over 35 years! You DO get what you pay for. Our service is not the cheapest but if you want consistently brilliant results, here we are!
Please note that when our film developing customers ask for their film scans to be emailed to them, they are sent via a 'WeTransfer' email link. This link is only valid for 7 days. All scanning work also comes with a CD at no extra cost.
The scans are sent at low resolution, you then need to click the link to download the larger file sizes to your phone or laptop.
At extra cost you can also ask for film speed changes, cross-processing, and clip tests.
You can drop 35mm/120mm analogue films off for developing, any time Tuesdays -Saturdays, 11am - 4pm.
However, if you need help and advice on any aspect of 35mm film photography/questions about your 35mm or medium format camera and equipment/darkroom problems etc, then it's best to come in on a Thursday or Friday and pick boss Johns' brains. With over 35 years experience with film cameras and darkroom printing, they are very knowledgeable brains indeed! He is very happy to help and advise anyone with his experience, so don't be shy to ask him questions!
** Larger print sizes also available ( 6"x9" and 12"x8"), enquire by email or in the shop! **
It is impossible for us to assess the value of originals and unprocessed film supplied by you the customer, and the charges made for our services do not reflect or incorporate unlimited liability.
Customers must insure work of special value.
All orders for processing and printing are accepted on the basis that their value does not exceed the cost of equivalent new unprocessed material.
In the unlikely event of loss or damage, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, liability is limited to the cost of an equivalent amount of unexposed film and refund of any processing charges paid.
We cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or delay to your work from any cause.
Our Customers are to ensure that all material supplied to the us for processing, copying or reproduction is free from any third party claim or infringement. We accept orders only on the understanding that the Customer is the copyright owner; the work is out of copyright; or the customer has the copyright holders written consent, and this must be supplied to us with the order.
If completed film developments are not collected, after 3 months we may have to dispose of uncollected negatives and prints due to storage issues.
Our Customer indemnifies Sheffield Photographic Centre against all costs, claims, damages and losses of any type brought by any third party in respect of any copyright infringement allegation.
********There's a big pile of uncollected films that have been developed, scanned and/or printed, that have not been collected, going back to 2022! Negatives are very precious and you may need them in the future, so if this rings a bell with you, please call in BEFORE MARCH 2025 to collect them thanks. ********
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- Scanning services
- Developing of E6 slide films
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