Jens Blog
OPEN - Tuesday 11am - 4pm
OPEN - Wenesday 11am - 4pm
OPEN - Thursday 11am - 4pm
OPEN - Friday 11am - 4pm
OPEN - Saturday 11am - 4pm
CLOSED - Sunday
CLOSED - Monday
Sending off the next batch of analogue films for developing on Monday 10th of February, and they should be ready to collect (prints or scans) by the 18th February. Scans will be transferred onto your own USB stick for you, or emailed.
To catch this batch, get your films here by Saturday the 8th of February, 3.45pm, at the latest.
For more details and prices, see here.
Regrettably, we are announcing the imminent closure of Sheffield Photographic Centre, Hickmott Road. It’s been fun over the last 38 years, meeting and helping all of you fantastic people. We’ve seen and helped many people become professionals in this industry, but now it’s feet up time.
We truly are so grateful for all our customers who have supported us over the years. Thanks to all the students and younger crowd who’ve nurtured the interest in all things photographic. This has given us a great feeling of love towards all of you. We will miss you!
The shop will close mid to the end of March, but we will keep you informed here in ‘Jens Blog’ up to the end.
There will be price reductions on most items in the shop, so please pop in and ask for a bargain.
Cheers, John and Jen.
Wednesday 12th February 2925
CLOSING at 2.45 today to attend a doc appointment.
Tuesday 11th February 2025
- I AM BACK! Return of The Jen! I see that John has 'helpfully' rearranged all my lovely shop displays in the last month. Oh dear, poor me. Poor shop! I have some work to catch up on eek.
-Todays shop temperature is two thermal vests and a wooly jumper and hat.
Saturday 8th February 2025
- Good news - I (Jen) will be returning to work on Tuesday. John is very relieved lol!
Saturday 25th January 2025
- Sorry for the sudden lack of content here, but Jen is off sick and I'm generally not allowed to interfere with her blog, or I get told off. John.
Friday 10th January 2025
- It's so cold in here that I have resorted to hugging the radiator!
Tuesday 7th January 2025
- Due to my son being off ill from school, and icy roads, the shop will be open at 12pm today, and closing at 2pm.
- Why is it that even at 13 years old, my son still insists on throwing up in the sink, in spite of numerous explanations as to how much easier it is to throw up in the loo, then flush it away. Woken up at 1.30am today to be shown a bathroom sink blocked with half-digested pizza. Performing pepperoni excavations in rubber gloves in the early hours is not my idea of fun. Kids. aaarghhh!!!
Thursday 2nd January 2025
Very relieved to find that my work clothes fit as per before the Christmas holiday, so I've somehow managed to not put any weight on phew.
Sunday 29th December 2024
Hope y'all having a fabulous holiday break!
Thursday 19th December 2024
Sad news that 'Design Studio' on Ecclesall road is closing after 42 years trading.
Use it, or lose it, folks.
Wednesday 18th December 2025
Now is a good time to rember that Sheffield has some fantastic Independent shops, and we all need your shopping support to keep going. There are many gteat reasons for spending locally - research shows that when you spend at an Independent shop, more of that money stays in the local community. There are lots of unique goods made by local creatives, not available in the big brand stores. And Independents are often run by the people who own them, so have a more vested interest in providing exemplary customer service.
It's been a hard 4 years for many of our great local businesses. The lockdown forced them to close their doors to customers. Then the ever changing Covid-19 restrictions made the trading environment very challenging for them since opening back up again. Add to that the recession and more and more people shifting their shopping habits online, these shops need us more than ever before.
If you don't want to see these lovely shops close - .SHOP LOCALLY!
Tuesday 17th December 2024
- Reminding people who have brought a film in to us for development over the last few years, to collect them ASAP, as we will be having to dispose of many of them if not collected soon. We have sent emails or rung everyone who has outstanding work to collect.
Thursday 12th December 2024
- Open at 10am today - by accident: Had a 'senior' moment, and somehow ended up here at 10am, not 11am. A classic 'school-girl' error! Guess you could call it karma - punishment for sneaking off home sometimes 10 minutes early when the shops been super-cold or quiet!
- We have a 20% off sale on all digital printing papers in store. Get those Christmas cards printed out! Sizes start at 6" X 4", and go up to A3. See a bit more info here.
Tuesday 10th December 2024
I've had quite a colourful life in the past, but the mind boggles when this 'Facebook Memory' came up from 2009, ooer ?!?
(Remember now that the animals involved were my hamster, Priscilla, and my sons dad LOL).
Thursday 5th December 2024
- Latest 'ShrinkGate' report: I've been buying Aldi 'Large' eggs for years, as they have always been reliably large in size. Sad to report that in the last month or so, the eggs in their 'Large' boxes are now mostly medium sized. Aldi - how can you do this to us? I now have to boil them for 3.5 minutes, not four, to get the perfect egg and soldiers breakfast. So - where have the larger eggs gone to? Or are chickens shrinking too, and producing smaller eggs? LOL !
Wednesday 27th November 2024
- We have a sale on our Street Candy' 400 ISO black and white 35mm film rolls. It is 36 exposures, and is reduced from £12.99 to £9.99. For more details see here.
(Plus we can develop it for you too)
- Gin is known as 'Mothers Ruin', but I have good news for all mums today! A few nights ago, whilst watching: "I'm A Celebrity.." on TV, I poured a few more gins than usual. This resulted in stumbling upstairs at 11pm, looking in the mirror, and deciding my last hair cut was a bit 'safe' and boring. So I got my hairdressing scissors out, and feathered in the layers that I felt it was missing. Then went to bed. Waking up the next day, it came back to me what I had done the night before. Panicking, I ran to the bathroom to look in dread in the mirror. And liked what I saw! Obviously a missed career opportunity for me! Long live gin...not the mum ruiner after-all.
Thursday 21st November 2024
My 13 year old son realy annoyed me last night by ripping the blankets off me as I was having a pre "I'm A Celebrity Get Me Outta Here" nap. He then put all the lights on and clattered about, and the nap opportunity was ruined. So at 6am this morning, I went up to the little s..ts bedroom, put all the lights on, opened the window wide open (it was -2 degrees outside), ripped the duvet off him, and shouted: "Wakey wakey egg and bakey!". He was very sheepish when he appeared at 7.45am, looking bleary. Think I will get a good nap tonight lol...
Wednesday 20th November 2024
- Poured myself a glass of grapefruit juice when I got to work, only to realise too late that I forgot to wash my cup from yesterday, when I had made a cup-a-soup in it. Anyone for salty grapefruit juice? It's quite unusual!
- 'Jens Random Window Displays' presents: Polaroid bag for sale, with matching Highland Cow. Cow courtesy of 'Ora' gift shop on Hickmott road.
Bag £21.99. Cow £18.99.
Wednesday 13th November 2024
- Had a 'Wim Hof' experience opening the shop today: was gasping with cold for the first 30 minutes until the heater started working.
- Sent the boss a prank text, thanking him for giving me a day off today. No reply. He has become immune to my wind-ups. Boohoo!
Thursday 7th November 2024
- Tried not to laugh today when a customer enquired about the Polaroid instant cameras for sale: "To take naughty pictures" with. I love my job!
- Am I imagining it, or are Pot Noodle pots getting taller yet the contents inside seem to be shrinking?
Thursday 31st October 2024
It's like a ghost town around Sharrowvale this Halloween morning; eerily quiet except for the odd comment by passers--by about next doors evil cat looking for its next victim to scratch.
So please pop in to your favourite haunt today and make my day!
Wednesday 9th October 2024
We do reprints and enlargemnets off your images - off digital files, film negatives, and slide film. Sizes from 6" X 4" up to A2. Choice of glossy or matte finishes.
Photo courtesy of Bear Dog (Mr BD).
Thursday 3rd October 2024
Tuesday 1st October 2024
Nearly swam to work today after the last few days of non-stop rain.
Wednesday 25th September 2024
I love Wednesdays: It's when my friend Karen (who owns 'Butterfly' lingerie shop on Hickmott road), buys me a take-out coffee for giving her lifts home after work. Yay!
Tuesday 17th September 2024
A while ago, I gave a roll of Kodak Portra 800 ISO film to James L, one of my film users. To see the results of his film, see his page here.
Thursday 12th September 2024
We now have Harman Phoenix 120mm colour film in stock, at £11.60 a roll.
Tuesday 10th September 2024
A Facebook memory popped up today, referring to the shops' olden-days website page building 'skills'.....
Thursday 5th September 2024
50% off all small cases/pouches alert! They fit small cameras plus lots of other small gadgets. Bring your camera /item/gadget in and find a case to fit it. this offer lasts all through September.
Saturday 31st August 2024
Had a nice chat with mi pooch, Beardog, via 'Whatsapp' today, whilst at work!
Another shot of my double chin.. or is it a triple chin nowadays?
Wednesday 28th August 2024
A Facebook' Memory' came up in my feed today from 7 years ago today. I won a raffle at an event in Endcliffe Park. So excited, I was waiting to hear the announcement that I had won a crate of wine, or an I-pad or something fab. But what I actually won was 'Winston The Bear'. What a bum prize! My son was ecstatic with Winston of course. Fortunatey I persuaded my son to take Winston to daddies house a few years later for a visit, then banned it from returning lol.
Tuesday 21st August 2024
Theres a new black and white film in stock - Kentmere Pan 400 ISO 36 exposures, at £7.99 a roll. For more info, see the tech. specs here.
Tuesday 6th August 2024
- I've been told that the cost of our E6/slide film developing service is significantly cheaper than other local places. For example, if you have your own scanner, and only want the film developed, it's only £9.99. For other slide film services and scanning/printing etc info, see this page.
- Time for a Facebook 'Memory' that popped up in todays 'Feed'.
Please note that no vicars were harmed during this illness. Lol.
Wednesday 17th July 2024
A 'Bridgerton Special' today: Dearest Gentle Reader - have uploaded another page to my study of Sheffield film camera users. You can see Teigans page here. Hope you enjoy it! Thinking of branding myself as the 'Lady Whistledown' of the local film camera world lol!
Tuesday 16th July 2024
Feeling flat after Englands defeat on Sunday in the finals. Open as normal today, but with sad staff.
Saturday 13th July 2024
Found an audacious spider sat on the rim of my washing-up bowl, preventing me from washing up. So decided to set the Dalek onto it!
Tuesday 9th July 2023
We have a new local photographer who has shared his images and thoughts with us. See his images and read about James here. They are awesome. The images I mean. Although he might be too!
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
That moment when you agitate your protein shake drink at work but forget to close the drinking mouthpiece first..
Tuesday 2nd July 2024
One of our film users, Joseph, has been using a Rollie Infared film in his camera. After developing it himself, he has sent some images to me which you can see here.
Saturday 29th June 2024
Regretting buying a cocoa butter skin cream - came to work after slathering myself with this moisturising cream in the gym, and now smell like a box of chocolates. Which is making me feel hungry!
Friday 28th June 2024
That heart wrenching feeling when you decide to fiddle around in your shops website 'Admin' settings to see what happens when you untick a box.. how much damage can one missed tick cause? Answer - a lot - eek! Fortunatly I had written down what I had been doing lol...and the blog goes on phew.
Saturday 15th June 2024
Feeling a bit paranoid: as I left for work this morning, my son said to me : "Mum, why are you going to the shop in your pyjamas?". I think it's because I'm wearing pink...
Wednesday 22nd May 2024
I've updated my webpage of local film user Will S-W, now he has shot the roll of 35mm 'Wolfen Orwo' film I gave him recentley. You can see his resulting images here. Film available from us at £14.99 a roll of 36 pictures.
Wednesday 15th May 2024
Have updated my study of local bird watchers, starting with Martin Hodgson of the Sheffield Bird Study Group. See here.
Saturday 11th May 2024
- Want to see a few images from the new Harman 'Phoenix' 35mm film? Our film user, Joseph W, has sent me a few images which he took on his Nikon F90X. You can see them here.
The film can be bought from us at £12.99 for 36 pictures.
- Been to the gym before coming here. So hungry! Dilemma - protein shake, or cheese twists? Well, cheese is full of protein.. so I guess both then lol!
Saturday 4th May 2024
- One of our film users, Josh, has had a roll of Lomochrome 'Redscale' film processed by us. Interested to see what results he got? See it on his page. Like to try a roll? It's £12.99 a roll, for 36 pictures.
- Someone in the womens changing rooms at my gym is possibly in for a shock today; Last time I went there a few days ago, I showered, took the wet towel home to dry outside on the washing line, then bundled it into my gym bag ready for today. Today, after my workout, I grabbed the towel to take to the showers, but noticed a big snail attached to it - obviously it had climbed onto it whilst out drying. I hurriedly threw the snail in the changing room bin, which is a bag open at the top, and then had an uncomfortable shower experience, wondering if I was drying myself with snail goo. At some point today it will problably crawl out to escape the deodrant fumes, and to search for something to eat. Ha! lol.
Tuesday 23rd April 2024
It's not every day that you open the shop, and before you've even had some sips of life-giving coffee to prepare you for the day ahead, a man walks in and says: "I've come for the box of peanuts". "Peanuts? Whaaaat?" "Yeah, everyone knows you are giving away a big box of peanuts". "Have you got the right shop?" "You are the photo shop aren't you??". "Errr.. yeees?" .. By now I'm wondering what parallel universe I had inadvertently entered. Until I worked out that on Saturday I had offered a free box of polystyrene packing chips in the local shops' Whatsapp' group, after we had a big binocular delivery the day before. He was well embarrased when he realised what he had said, but I won't reveal the 'nutty' local shop owner on Sharrowvale road. Unless he pays protection money lol.
Saturday 20th April 2024
Had to laugh this morning when the usual peacefull chilled environment of Hickmott road was broken by the shriek of a woman trying to pet Poppy, next doors shop cat. That cat is old, cantankerous and viscious at times - even I've been attacked, scratched, mauled, aggressed, hissed and spat at - and it knows me! #ShopLife :)
Saturday 13th April 2024
I've written up an article about my latest film camera user, Emma S.
Saturday 6th April 2024
Following on from the start of my study of local film users, I'm also starting a study of local birders. This is being started here, and will be built up over time.
There's some new films in stock - Ilford XP2 (black+white) in 35mm and 120mm; ColorPlus 35mm, and Fuji Superia colour 400 35mm.
Saturday 23rd March 2024
I've created a new local film user page for Will S-W (WSWanalogue), which you can see here.
Also, I've given a roll of Rollie Infrared black+white film to Joseph W, the secretary of the 'Sheffield University Photographic Society' to try. Once he's shot it and developed it at the uni, he will send me a few photos and hopefully tell us of his experience using it. When he does, it will be added to his page here.
I've also sent Josh S out with a Lomography 'Redscale' 35mm film to try. Any results will be posted on his page at a later date.
Tuesday 19th March 2024
I have added a new local film user to my study of local film users, Margo. See here.
I am dedicating some pages of this website to a project I've decided to start: Having worked here over 30 years, I worked through the original years of people using film cameras first time round. The world has changed so much since then, but these old film cameras are being used again by younger generations of people eager to explore film photography for the first time, second time around.
I'm interested to explore all sorts of films/methods/interests, including the newer film emulsions such as films like Lomography, Washi, Flic, Cinestill, etc, as well as old-school Gold, Ilford, Polaroid, Infrared films, 126mm, half-frame, panoramic, 127mm etc.
This is NOT a 'best photo' competition; it's about you and your love for film photography. And it's just for local Sheffield dwellers at this time (whether indigenous or at Uni here etc).
I'm also interested in finding out more about new film users. So I've complied a list of questions, and am asking local film camera users if they would be willing to display some of their images on here, and answer some questions if they are happy with that.
SO... My first few pages have been created, and can be viewed here.
If you would like a page too, to express your thoughts, film user experiences and images, call in the shop or ring me, Jen, to get started. (0114) 2667077
Tuesday 5th March 2024
A sniff of spring in the air? We've had the beginnings of the yearly interest in outdoor pursuits, including bird watching, and people buying binoculars again. Happens every year, and cheers me up knowing better weather is on its way!
Wednesday 14th February 2024
One of our ancient members of staff is ill and unfortuantly we will have to close the shop tomorrow, and on Friday we will be open between the reduced hours of 11am to 3pm. This is not because I didn't get a 'Valentines Day' card today. Humph...
I was sent an email today informing me that someone has downloaded spyware onto my phone via an email, and that this person has been monitoring my browsing history. If I don't pay up a lot of money, they say they will tell my friends and family all about my porn watching habits. As cute dogs are the only thing I get excited about nowadays, my family are going to be terribly shocked LOL.
Tuesday 13th February 2024
Two new colour films in stock - Fujicolour 200 ISO 36 exposures (£11.99), and Harman Phoenix 200 ISO 36 (12.99).
Friday 26th January 2024
Pleased to arrive to the shop after my 2 days off, to find the boss has replaced the cheese, and chocolate digestives, that he stole from the shop last week. No need to call the 'Snack Police'.
Wednesday 3rd January 2024
Happy New year y'all!
Got a few new black+white35mm films in stock - Fomapan 'Creative' 200 35 (£5.99), and Agfa APX 400 36 (£7.99).
For sale, at last, the Sheffield Bird Study Group's book: 'Birds in the Sheffield area 2020'. This is their latest edition, just out today. You can buy from us for £8.00.
Saturday 16th December 2023
I am starting to produce a series of hardback books for customers to read when they visit the shop.
The first one I've made is for you to get more info on the more unusual films we stock (Washi, Lomography, Rollie, Flic etc). Please feel free to come and spend time in the shop reading it!
Today's temperature at work is one thermal vest. The other day I was wearing three thermal tops under my jumper in the shop, and I could've won 'Seal Pup Impersonation Of The Year' award!
Being a Christmas fan, I have sneaked in lots of decorations to secrete slowly around the shop in homeopathic quantities so that 'Scrooge Boss' (the Xmas hater), hardly notices them going up. Ha!
Wednesday 22nd November
Many apologies for the shops opening hours being a bit random this last week, and less hours than usual, but this is because the efficient, hard-working member of the team, (Jen), has been off ill.
Hobbling around the shop today with bad back ache, the result of 5 children jumping on my back all at once last night in an ambush. OW.
Tuesday 17th October 2023
Since 'lockdowns', more people than ever are taking up bird and nature viewing and study. Why not have more fun and join a local bird watching group? I've put information about local groups on a web page here.
Tuesday 10th October 2023
Opticron have brought out an ugraded binocular model, and we have the new Savannah R PC Oasis 8X33 in stock now, see here for more details. £114.
Read an article in the papers about the differences between 'Generation 'Z', Gen 'Baby Boomers' etc etc. But they missed out a new category, which I've just created - 'Generation HD (Home Delivery)' - those born after 2010 and obsessed with 'Deliveroo' and 'Just Eat'.
This is the result of countless arguments with my son over food. Every time I mention having a pizza for tea: "Ooo! Can we get it home delivered?" . "No, it's too expensive, and I have a car to collect one if I wanted. Also, Aldi's pizzas are only £0.99p to buy from the shop".
Mum: Shall we go for a MacDonlads?" Son: "Get it delivered mum". "No, it's too expensive and arrives cold".
What is this obsession with Home Delivery??! As a 'Gen X', I just DON'T get it! I LIKE sitting in a restaurant, I like eating out. But my son goes ballistic with me lol. A true 'Home Delivery' generation.
Snoop Dogg has a lot to answer for!
Saturday 7th October 2023
WD-40. What a great invention! No house should be without it! Curtain rails jamming - WD-40. Squeeky door hinge - WD-40. Mechanics sticking - WD-40!
Tuesday 26th September 2023
Opticron have brought out a smashing pair of new pocket-sized binoculars - the Natura WP PC 8X25 (£154) and 10X25 (£164) For details, see here.
Saturday 23rd September 2023
We are reducing the price of some of our Opticron binoculars (due to them being discontinued models). See our 3 binocular pages for details. Grab a bargain bino!
Saturday 9th September 2023
I pulled a most successful 'April Fools' joke on the boss 5 months ago (I convinced him the shop was burning down). But he got revenge yesterday: I am in the habit of having a Chinese takeaway on Fridays when my son is away at his dads' house. The takeaway knows me very well, so when I ring up I only need to say: "Hi, it's Jenny, can I order...." and they know it's me. So I scrolled down 'Recently Used' phone numbers on my phone, and hit the number for the 'New Zing Vaa' on Ecclesall road. I started ordering, but a new Chinese guy answered, who I assumed spoke very bad English. He rambled on so nonsensically, that eventually I rang off, totally frustrated with his rants about 'sick squid'. Then I saw that I had re-dialled boss John by accident! I rang him back, and he was laughing hysterically at me. Humph. Feel such an idiot!
Tuesday 5th September 2023
Just tripped over the pooches water bowl in the shop when a customer came in. Nothing like giving customers a good first impression eh?
Friday 1st September 2023
It is the 5th anniversary today of moving our shop onto Hickmott road. Yay!
Saturday 26th August 2023
Am in the process of writing a shop bio web page.. Having a laugh, dredging up some of the past events in the shop over the last 30 years.
Wednesday 23rd August 2023
My sons gone away with his dad on a holiday.
There are no products in this section
- Shop history
- Jens Blog
- A study of Sheffield film camera users
- Articles on Sheffield bird watchers
- Developing of 35mm+ 120mm films + disposable cameras
- Colour 35mm + 120mm analogue films
- Black and white 35mm and 120mm films
- Reprints/enlargements
- Scanning services
- Developing of E6 slide films
- Developing of: APS, 110mm, 126mm, 127mm, Panoramic and Half Frame
- Full size 42mm binoculars
- Medium sized 32mm lighter weight binoculars
- Compact, pocket-sized binoculars.
- Children's nature optics and accessories
- Action and Wildlife cameras
- Binocular and scope accessories
- Choosing a binocular or scope - information
- Magnifiers and loupes
- Instant films and cameras
- Reusable 35mm cameras
- Disposable 35mm film cameras
- Picture frames
- Photo albums and storage boxes
- Analogue film camera accessories
- Driving licence / I.D photos (NOT digital)
- Gift ideas, gadgets and general accesories
- K+F Concepts camera bags
- Dick Smith camera bags
- Case Logic bags
- Tripods
- Monopods
- Tripod heads
- Mini table top supports for cameras/phones/tablets
- Batteries and chargers
- Lexar Professional SDHC/SDXC
- USB's + Memory card readers
- Silicon Power SDHC/Micro SD and Compact Flash cards
- Filters
- Digital papers