
Colour 35mm + 120mm analogue films

In case of short notice temporary closures, it's best to check 'Jens Blog' for info on any changes to opening hours!

Current prices and availability

For detail on each films specs. etc, click on each film!


Kodak ColorPlus 200 ISO 36 exposures film - £10.60 

Kodak Gold 200 ISO 36 - £11.60

Fujicolour CN 200 ISO 36 film - £11.99

FujiColour CN 400 ISO 36 film - £12.99 

Kodak Gold Ultramax 400 ISO 36 exp. - £13.50

"                                                        " Pack of three 36 exp. films - £36.99 

Kodak Pro Image 100 ISO 36 exp. single roll £12.99 

Harman Phoenix 200 ISO 36 film - £12.99

Lomochrome 50 - 200 ISO single roll Redscale XR - £13.99 *sold out

Lomochrome Purple single roll £13.99

Lomochrome 'Metroplolis' 36 - £13.99

Lomochrome Turquiose single roll £13.99

Flic film Elektra 100 ISO 36 - £14.99 *sold out

Orwo Wolfen NC 400 36 exposure film - £14.99

Kodak Ektar 100 ISO 36 exposures film - £16.99 

Lomochrome 'Color '92' 36 - £15.50

Kodak Portra 160  ISO 36 exposures, single roll £16.50  

Washi 'X' 100 ISO 36 exposure film - £15.99 *SOLD OUT

Flic Chrome *E6 slide film* 100 ISO 36 - £19.99

Kodak Portra 800 ISO 36 exposure film, single roll £21.99  

Kodak Portra 400 ISO 36 exposures, single roll £21.99

CineStill 440 Dynamic 36 exposure film - £19.99

Cinestill Xpro 800 Tungsten 36- £19.99

Lomochrome Trio pack of 3 films ( Metropolis, Purple, and Turquoise) - £41.99


120 mm colour

Harman Phoenix 200 ISO 120mm single roll - £11.60

Kodak 120mm Gold 200 ISO 120mm sigle roll-  £10.70

Kodak120mm  Ektar 100 ISO 120mm film single roll - £16.80 

Kodak 120mm Portra 400 ISO single roll - £17.99

Kodak 120mm Portra 160 ISO single roll -  £15.30

CineStill 120mm 800T single roll - £21.99


DISPOSABLE /  SINGLE USE  film cameras

See here!



See here!




When we book 35mm films in for processing, we often get left the empty cannisters. We collect them for people who want them for lots of different uses (Eg: keeping seeds in, spices and herbs when travelling etc). So if you need any, call in and grab some off us.











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