

Developing of 35mm+ 120mm films + disposable cameras Driving licence / I.D photos (NOT digital) Jens Blog
Colour 35mm + 120mm analogue films Black and white 35mm and 120mm films A study of Sheffield film camera users
Developing of E6 slide films Scanning services Developing of: APS, 110mm, 126mm, 127mm, Panoramic and Half Frame
Reprints/enlargements Full size 42mm binoculars Medium sized 32mm lighter weight binoculars
Compact, pocket-sized binoculars. Children's nature optics and accessories Monoculars
Action and Wildlife cameras Binocular and scope accessories Choosing a binocular or scope - information
Articles on Sheffield bird watchers Magnifiers and loupes Instant films and cameras
Reusable 35mm cameras Disposable 35mm film cameras Picture frames
Photo albums and storage boxes Analogue film camera accessories Gift ideas, gadgets and general accesories
K+F Concepts camera bags Dick Smith camera bags Case Logic bags
Tripods Monopods Tripod heads
Mini table top supports for cameras/phones/tablets Batteries and chargers Lexar Professional SDHC/SDXC
USB's + Memory card readers Silicon Power SDHC/Micro SD and Compact Flash cards Filters
Digital papers Local bird watching/nature groups Fomapan black and white films
Agfa black and white films Ilford 'Plus' black+white films FP4, HP5 Kodak Tri-X black and white film
Ilford XP2 Super 400 ISO chromogenic flm Street Candy ATM B+W film Harman Phoenix 200 ISO film
'Film Washi' films Lomography films Flic analogue films
Orwo Wolfen 35mm film CineStill analogue films Kodak Gold 200 ISO colour film
Kodak ColorPlus 200 ISO colour film FujiFilm 200 CN colour print film FujiFilm 400 CN colour 35mm film
Kodak Ultramax 400 ISO colour film Kodak Portra 160 ISO film Kodak Ektar 100 ISO film
Kodak 35mm Pro Image film Kodak Portra 400 ISO film Kodak Portra 800 35mm film
Microscopes E6 slide films, 35mm and 120mm Instagram, Facebook and 'X'
Some of Jens' old family E6 Kodachrome slides from 1960's/70's early 80's. Year round Special offers FILM SALE January 2025
Martin Hodgson Binoculars + other optics Film cameras
Shop history