
Film developing

For our dates of sending films off/films coming back/scans being emailed out, see Jens Blog.


Note: Scan links sent Via 'WeTransfer' are only valid for THREE days! But can be re-sent within a reasonable time.

(PLEASE NOTE: We sometimes have some website update issues. If 'Jens blog' isn't updated every few days or so, please look for updates on 'Google''Facebook', or 'Instagram'  instead.)


Colour 35mm and 120mm films

Prints on glossy or matte paper (if chosen). Scans sent via WeTransfer. 15-18mb size.


- Develop negs only £6.99  

 Extra films booked in at the same time £6.50 each


- Develop negs, scanned and emailed  £13.99

 Extra films booked in at the same time £13.50 each


- Develop film with prints 6"x4" £14.99

 Extra set of prints £7 each

 Extra films booked in at the same time £14.50 each


- Develop, print 6"x4" and scan + email £17.99

 Extra set of prints £7 each

 Extra films booked in at same time £17.50 each


- Develop, print  7.5" X 5"  £16.99

 Extra sets of prints £10 each


- Develop, print to 7.5" X 5" scan + email £22.99

 Extra set of prints £10 each


Disposable colour camera development

Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen)


- Develop only £7.99


- Develop, scan + email £14.99


Develop and print to 6"x4" £15.99


Develop, scan + print email £18.99


For more info on this service, PANORAMIC or HALF FRAME prices, click here, or call in/ring and ask (0114) 2667077



Black and white 35mmm and 120mm films prices  

Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen. Scans sent VIA WeTransfer at 15-18mb size.


- Develop negs only  £7.99

 Extra films booked in at same time £7.50 each


- Develop negs, scan and email £14.99

 Extra films booked in at same time £14.50 each


- Develop negs and print 6"x4"  £14.99

 Extra set of prints £10

 Extra films booked in at same time £14.50 each


- Develop negs, scan, email, and print 6"x4" £19.99

 Extra set of prints £10

 Extra films booked in at same time £17 each


- Develop and print to 7.5" X 5"  £17.99

 Extra sets of prints £13 each

 Extra films booked in at same time £16.99 each


- Develop, scan, email and print 7.5" X 5" prints £23.99

 Extra sets of prints £13 each

 Extra films booked in at same time £22 each


Disposable black+white cameras

Prints on glossy or matte paper if chosen


- Develop, scan and email £15.99


- Dev, and print to 6" X 4"  £15.99


- Dev, scan, email and print to 6" X 4"  £20.99


For more info on these services, PANORAMIC or HALF FRAME prices, click here, or call in/ring and ask (0114) 2667077


E6 slide films

- Develop only, standard sleeves  £8.99

    "            " SECOL archival ring binder sleeving - £10.20


- Develop and scan, standard sleeving  £15.99

     "         " SECOL archival ring binder sleeving  £17.20


 - Develop, standard sleeves, set of 6" X 4" prints £15.99

     "          " SECOL archival sleeving "                 "  £17.20 


- Provide a set of 40 D.I.Y mounts - £7.99


- Slide film pulled one stop, or pushed one or two stops - extra £1.00


- Provide 'Secol' archival ring binder sleeving - add on £1.20

For more info on these services, or PANORAMIC and HALF FRAME prices click here, or call in/ring (0114) 2667077.


Developing of less common film formats

EG: APS; 110mm; 127mm; Panoramic, Half-frame, 620 etc

See here.



It is impossible for us to assess the value of originals and unprocessed film supplied by you the customer, and the charges made for our services do not reflect or incorporate unlimited liability.

Customers must insure work of special value.

All orders for processing and printing are accepted on the basis that their value does not exceed the cost of equivalent new unprocessed material.

In the unlikely event of loss or damage, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, liability is limited to the cost of an equivalent amount of unexposed film and refund of any processing charges paid.

We cannot be held liable for any lossdamage or delay to your work from any cause.

Our Customers are to ensure that all material supplied to the us for processing, copying or reproduction is free from any third party claim or infringement. We accept orders only on the understanding that the Customer is the copyright owner; the work is out of copyright; or the customer has the copyright holders written consent, and this must be supplied to us with the order.

If completed film developments are not collected, after 2 years we may have to dispose of uncollected negatives and prints due to storage issues.

Our Customer indemnifies Sheffield Photographic Centre against all costs, claims, damages and losses of any type brought by any third party in respect of any copyright infringement allegation.