
Kodak Ultramax 400 ISO colour film

35mm colour negative ISO 400 high speed film.

This film is perfect for a range of situations including action, daylight or people. With optimised skin tones, this film means pictures of people look natural.

This film offers improved colour reproduction for bright, consistent colours, and a fine grain for clear, sharp images.

It is a versatile colour negative film suitable for a variety of photography situations.

It offers vivid, accurate colours and sharp, fine imagery. Its wide exposure latitude allows for capturing vibrant colours in daylight, and beautiful portrait shots too.

Colour-balanced for smooth skin tones and natural hues, it delivers bright blues, greens and reds out of the box – perfect for all kinds of photography; from portraits to action scenes.

Great value 35mm camera colour negative film!

ISO 400 high speed film, perfect for all situations whether its is action, snapshots, daytime, flash or poor weather.

36 exposures. 

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